Live Performance History

  • July 15th 2021 - What is your World - Jared Waters - Spring Valley High School - Columbia, SC

  • April 27th 2021 - What is your World - Joe Himmelberg - University of Georgia - Online Event- 5:30pm EST

  • April10th 2021 - What is your World - Jared Waters - Arizona State University - Recital Hall - 5:30pm EST

  • February 13th 2021 - What is your World? - Drew Whiting - Online Event - 2pm EST

  • March 6-9 2020 - What is your world? - Grace Gelpi - Tempe, AZ - NASA Biennial Conference - Sunday - 3:20 Evelyn Smith Recital Hall

What is your World

Year: 2019 | Duration: 8’ | Medium: Any Saxophone | Difficulty: Medium-Hard

Composer Description

What is your World? was written in collaboration with Queer saxophonists and the wider Queer community. The goal of the work was to give voice to Queer voices from across the world (or at least the internet). As Queer folk, we are often times silenced and our opinions are made to be irrelevant. In asking the question, “What is your world?” my goal was to show that our worlds are more than our sexuality: we are a diverse community, we have agency to speak up when we want, and agency to stay quiet when we want. The following 117 words and phrases were provided anonymously by members of the Queer community, and have all made their way into the piece. What is Your World? was commissioned by Grace Gelpi, McCall Kochevar, Jared Waters, and Ella Marchetti.

The goal of the piece is to show the audience that they have creativity even if they do not think they do. They CANNOT be wrong, and WILL NOT ever make me unhappy. Participation is ALWAYS encouraged but NEVER required.

Available for Purchase at Just a Theory Press


Grace Gelpi

McCall Kochevar

Jared Waters

Jolene Marchetti.


Grace Gelpi

Jared Waters

Drew Whiting